Central Post Fitness Center Equipment Orientation

Central Post Fitness Center Equipment Orientation

Fitness Equipment Orientation

Aug. 1-30 • Tues.-Thurs. • 8 a.m. to noon
JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Central Post Fitness Center

Patrons are invited to come to the Central Post Gym to learn how to use a variety of fitness equipment to help

improve cardio, strength and flexibility. Let one of our experts demonstrate the proper use of equipment available. To make an appointment, please call (210) 221-3593.

Central Post Fitness Center Equipment Orientation

Fitness Equipment Orientation

Aug. 1-30 • Tues.-Thurs. • 8 a.m. to noon
JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Central Post Fitness Center

Patrons are invited to come to the Central Post Gym to learn how to use a variety of fitness equipment to help

improve cardio, strength and flexibility. Let one of our experts demonstrate the proper use of equipment available. To make an appointment, please call (210) 221-3593.