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How We Roll

FSH METC Fitness Center

Attention parents of toddlers! The METC Campus Fitness & Sports Center has an indoor track open to all moms, dads, tots and strollers. Mon.-Fri. 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. For more information, call 210-808-5709.

Army Ten-Miler Qualifier

FSH Central Post Gym

Army Ten-Miler Qualifier May 19 • 7-10 a.m. The 40th Annual Army Ten-Miler Race Date will be held on October 13, 2024, at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. Participants ages 13 years old and up, are encouraged to maintain a 15-minute-per-mile pace on race day. The qualifier, held by the METC Fitness Center, is open to active-duty military personnel assigned to Fort Sam Houston. It is designed for active-duty military, varsity level athletes who are actively training. The registration fee is $40. Athletes can register at the METC Fitness Center or the Jimmy Brought Fitness Center. Registration deadline is May 1. Each runner will receive a T-shirt and medal. Start and finish at the Central Post Fitness Center. Click here for the map and registration form. FSH ARMY TEN MILER TEAM REQUIREMENTS Team members are expected to: Attend weekly training session thru race day 13 OCT 24 Attend monthly team meetings (may not be monthly but I recommend making the disclaimer here for later on since it was such a headache to get them all together) Be able to commit time to train a minimum of 25 miles per week through race day. Be assigned to a FSH unit through November […]