All Day

How We Roll

FSH METC Fitness Center

Attention parents of toddlers! The METC Campus Fitness & Sports Center has an indoor track open to all moms, dads, tots and strollers. Mon.-Fri. 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. For more information, call 210-808-5709.

Superhero 5K Run/Walk

FSH Jimmy Brought Fitness Center

Superhero 5K Run/Walk June 22 • 8 AM JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Jimmy Brought Fitness Center Wear Your Favorite Superhero Attire! Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. Event begins on Reynolds Road behind Jimmy Brought Fitness Center. Families, strollers and leashed pets are welcome. For more information, please call (210) 221-1234.