We regret to inform you that the Car Washes will be closed due to JBSA entering Stage 4 water restrictions. Currently, car washing is not authorized on the installation.
Join JBSA-Randolph Youth Programs for a free Month of the Military Family Appreciation spaghetti dinner and bingo. Winners of Bingo will get to take home a frozen turkey. Sign up in advance as space is limited. To sign up, call (210) 652-3298.
Pay as you go bar | Snacks | Club card drawing | Costume contest Come out and try to win some great prizes. The cost is $20 for members or $25 for nonmembers. A Pay As You Go Bar will be available along with some snacks. To make a reservation, call (210) 645-7034 from...
Doors Open At 11 a.m. $5 per child Bring the kids out before school starts for a fun time and play bingo! There will be chances to win toys, school supplies, & gift cards. Food & refreshments will also be available while supplies last. Event is open to kids...
Start the school year off right and join us for Back-to-School Kiddie Bingo. Children 12 and younger play for free and can win great prizes. All kids 12 and younger will receive a backpack with school supplies. There will be a total of five games of bingo played. This...