Unite Program

Joint | Activities | Community


The Unite program provides Commanders with funding to initiate programs that will benefit all Airmen in their unit including assigned Air Force Active Duty, Reservists, Air National Guard and Civilians. Other Military Service members (Army, Navy or Marines) and Contractors are welcome to participate in the program but must pay their expenses.

Why Unite?

  • Develop a new skill or competency
  • Improve physical fitness
  • Increase espirit de corps, comradery, or moral
  • Promote interactions between unit members
  • Provide an opportunity for fun or relaxation
  • Reinforce peer, squadron, or AF corps values
  • Work on team-building exercise


Assigned Active Duty, Reserve, and APF/NAF Civilians.

Family members may participate after paying any applicable fees.

Payment Coordination

Your installation C3 will make Unite payments on your behalf via a purchasing card, though you must ensure budget limits are maintained at all times.  Final attendance count is due at least 5 business days prior to your Unite event on or off the installations.  If the actual number is greater than what was planned, your unit will be responsible for the greater number.


  • Other service branches and contractors are welcome to participate, but they must pay any associated fees.

  • Family members are authorized funding, however more funds will not be supplied for the unit.  It’s up to the commander’s discretion.

  • Funds cannot be used to augment Holiday parties, Commanders Calls, trainings, banquets, dining in or dining outs, Change of Commands, promotion ceremonies, retirements, etc.

  • Funds cannot be used for alcohol, Cleaning (PPE) supplies, or prizes

  • Unite events require Commander’s signature and approval from the AF Services Activity (may take up to 21 days).

  • For guaranteed approval, a request must be submitted 3 weeks prior to the event date.  C3s will still submit the request under the 3 week guaranteed approval deadline.

  • Must spend and execute a Unite event by December 17th.




Host your Unite event in 4 easy steps!

Complete a Unite POC appointment Letter & POC Training

Squadron commanders will appoint squadron Unite POC(s).  The POC is the only person who can submit or make changes for event.  Squadron POC’s must be trained annually prior to requesting funds.

Complete an Event Request Form

Prepare and route event requests with details for your event.  Email completed documents to the JBSA Community Cohesion Coordinators (C3s) Ashley Lopez and Danielle Kreager.

Prepare for Unite Event

Once the event is approved by AFSVC, confirm the date and time with the venue/vendors, and the coordinate date and time to purchase food or supplies with your C3s.

Have fun at your event and Complete After Action Report!

After your event is over you will complete an After Action Report Form, signed by your unit commander, and return to the C3s with a minimum of 5 photos within 3 business days after your event.





Community Cohesion Coordinator (C3)

Kathryn (Katy) Taylor


Danielle Kreager
(210) 793-2106

What Unite Looks Like