Martial Arts

RND Youth Programs

JBSA Randolph Youth Programs offers Martial Arts Classes year round. Classes are for kids age 6 and older. 50 Minute classes offered at $50 per month, four sessions per week. For more information call 210-652-3298.

Martial Arts

RND Youth Programs

JBSA Randolph Youth Programs offers Martial Arts Classes year round. Classes are for kids age 6 and older. 50 Minute classes offered at $50 per month, four sessions per week. For more information call 210-652-3298.

Spring Break Junior School of Golf

RND Oaks Golf Course

Spring Break Junior School of Golf March 11-15 • Randolph Oaks Golf Course PGA Teaching Pro Charles Bishop will conduct a junior golf school during spring break. Youth ages 8-15 are invited to participate and learn all aspects of the game. Fundamentals such as stance, grip, and posture will be covered as well as the swing, putting, and chipping strokes. To reserve your spot, call Charles at (210) 244-3415. Reserve your spot early since there is only room for six youth in each age range. Price is $85 per person Youth ages 8-11: 11 AM to Noon Youth ages 12-15: 1-2 PM For more information, contact the Randolph oaks Golf Course at (210) 652-4653.

Super Sweet Spring Break

RND Library

Super Sweet Spring Break March 12-16 • 2 - 3 PM JBSA-Randolph Library Join us for a week full of fun activities for the kids all centered around sweets, candies and Kawaii. The week will feature a variety of events, including an Iron Chef challenge, life-size "Candyland" game, candy bar Indi car challenge, Hello Kitty & Kawaii crafts, super sweet friendship bracelets, and much more! Events will run every day of Spring Break Tuesday - Saturday. Visit us at for our full calendar of events!

Martial Arts

RND Youth Programs

Martial Arts Class Schedule Mondays Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Beginners: 5-5:50 PM Intermediate: 6-6:50 PM Thursdays Beginners: 4:30-5:20 PM Black Belts: 6-6:50 PM Saturdays Adult Beginners: 9-9:50 AM Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Advanced: 11-11:50 AM JBSA Randolph Youth Programs offers Martial Arts Classes year round. Classes are for kids age 6 and older. 50 Minute classes offered at $50 per month, four sessions per week. For more information call 210-652-3298.

Teen Archery Tag Night

RND Youth Programs

Teen Archery Tag Night April 19 • 7-9 PM JBSA-Randolph Youth Programs JBSA-Randolph Youth Programs is having a Teen Archery Tag Night! Price is $10 for members, $12 for nonmembers. Sign up in CYBMS by April 17.

Martial Arts

RND Youth Programs

Martial Arts Class Schedule Mondays Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Beginners: 5-5:50 PM Intermediate: 6-6:50 PM Thursdays Beginners: 4:30-5:20 PM Black Belts: 6-6:50 PM Saturdays Adult Beginners: 9-9:50 AM Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Advanced: 11-11:50 AM JBSA Randolph Youth Programs offers Martial Arts Classes year round. Classes are for kids age 6 and older. 50 Minute classes offered at $50 per month, four sessions per week. For more information call 210-652-3298.

Martial Arts

RND Youth Programs

Martial Arts Class Schedule Mondays Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Beginners: 5-5:50 PM Intermediate: 6-6:50 PM Thursdays Beginners: 4:30-5:20 PM Black Belts: 6-6:50 PM Saturdays Adult Beginners: 9-9:50 AM Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Advanced: 11-11:50 AM JBSA Randolph Youth Programs offers Martial Arts Classes year round. Classes are for kids age 6 and older. 50 Minute classes offered at $50 per month, four sessions per week. For more information call 210-652-3298.

Martial Arts

RND Youth Programs

Martial Arts Class Schedule Mondays Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Beginners: 5-5:50 PM Intermediate: 6-6:50 PM Thursdays Beginners: 4:30-5:20 PM Black Belts: 6-6:50 PM Saturdays Adult Beginners: 9-9:50 AM Beginners: 10-10:50 AM Advanced: 11-11:50 AM JBSA Randolph Youth Programs offers Martial Arts Classes year round. Classes are for kids age 6 and older. 50 Minute classes offered at $50 per month, four sessions per week. For more information call 210-652-3298.

Youth Events (Randolph)

RND Youth Programs

Monthly Events at JBSA-Randolph Youth Programs Parents vs Teens Volleyball Tournament Aug. 10 • 1-4 p.m. Back to School Fun Day Aug. 23 • 4:30-6:30 p.m. For more information, call Youth Programs at (210) 652-3298.

Youth Events (Randolph)

RND Youth Programs

Monthly Events at JBSA-Randolph Youth Programs Parents vs Teens Volleyball Tournament Aug. 10 • 1-4 p.m. Back to School Fun Day Aug. 23 • 4:30-6:30 p.m. For more information, call Youth Programs at (210) 652-3298.

Late Night Hoops

FSH Youth Programs

Late Night Hoops Sept. 13 and Oct. 11 • 6-10 p.m. Join your teammates for a friendly game of hoops, or practice your shooting, dribbling, defending, rebounding, and passing skills. Pre-teens ages 9-12 have the gym from 6-8 p.m. and teens ages 13-18 have the gym from 8-10 p.m. The event is free and open to all active members of Randolph Youth Programs.